


Source: GitHub

A Discord bot written in Julia using Discord.jl and Genie.jl to schedule meetings right from your discord server.

This project was a part of the MLH hackathon in which along with me Diaga and makrandr collaborated and submitted this project.


Source: GitHub

A script to deploy your interact web application with Heroku.

To be soon developed into a Julia package with command line interface.


Source: GitHub

A multi-backend bot written in Python with Errbot.

cmbot was written to aid git requirements for the codemute organization, an organization to collaborate on projects along with my fellow classmates and other students. The bot supports multiple chat platforms including gitter, zulip, etc.


Source: Github

rating-image-generator is a small little proejct to create fancy rating badges for your favourite competitive programming platform.

Also there are lot more projects incoming, stay tuned!